USSSA/GSL Classification

USSSA/GSL Classification


All teams whose classification is E and higher; All teams that have merged that have multiple player classifications; Newly formed teams that have multiple player classifications; Teams that are requesting to add a player who is wanting permission to drop down more than one classification; and any team that is requesting to add more than one player from a team that was reclassified by the National By-laws, must turn in a roster to the Classification Committee prior to their first tournament.

Any team that falls into one of the above categories that does NOT get their roster approved prior to entering their first tournament, may be asked to play at one classification higher than they feel they belong, until the committee has ample opportunity to make a decision on their team.
Anyone that has knowledge of a team that is exceeding one of our guidelines and is playing at a level that they do not belong at, should contact us with that team information.  We will do our best, but we need your help in policing classifications.  We cannot know every player of every team.  We need your help.

Please understand that all reclassifications were based on the records from the previous season and the roster that we have on file at the end of the year. We do make mistakes and are willing to listen to any appeals that may be needed. If you feel that your team has been reclassified unfairly, please submit your appeal letter to the Classification Committee no later than March 1st. Include your entire roster and the reasons that you feel we need to reconsider your classification.

If your team is required to submit a roster to the Committee, and you enter a tournament prior to doing so, you will be required to play one classification higher than we now have you listed for. Please give us at least 14 days to review your roster, and any appeal.

If a new team is formed, and we feel that the roster is compiled of more players than are allowed to participate at the level you have chosen, then we reserve the right to reclassify your team immediately.

If you enter a tournament OUTSIDE of New York, no matter what classification, you must receive a classification from the State of New York USSSA/GSL. Failure to follow this procedure may result in immediate suspension from any further participation in all USSSA/GSL events.

Classification Guidelines for USSSA/GSL New York:


Any team that is classified as “B” for the current season will be allowed to add three (3) players from teams that were classified at a higher classification the previous year or that were reclassified to “A” by the National By-Laws. There are no other restrictions on the number of additions that were members of a “B” team or lower the previous year, that were not reclassified by the National By-Laws.


Any team that is classified “C” for the current season will be allowed to add a maximum of three (3) players from a team classified as B.


Any team that is classified “D” for the current season will be allowed to add a maximum of three (3) players from a team classified as “C”.


Any team classified as “E” for the current season is allowed to add a maximum of three (3) players from a team classified as “D”.The  Classification Committee reserves the right to reclassify any team to a higher classification if in the committee’s opinion either the team’s new roster justifies the move or the team demonstrates on the field that it belongs at a higher classification.

If you have your roster set, you can begin to send in your classification rosters or appeals after January 1st and by January 31st 2024.  All appeals will be dealt with after March 1st.  Any team that has been reclassified by either the NCC or our USCC (New York State Classification Committee) cannot appeal until following the proper steps.  Only exception is that if your team will be traveling out of state prior to that.

ALL teams must have their rosters online through the National website prior to participating in your first tournament of the year.  If your roster is not online your team will not be drawn into the tournament.  Also, without posting your roster on the National website you will not receive National points.

Classification Guidelines:

In the spirit of cooperation and commitment, the state of Utah will be working together on classification for teams that meet the following criteria.  Any team that has (3) or more players from a state other than the one they are registered in, will have to submit a roster to both State Directors, who will then, together, decide the classification that the team will be allowed to participate at.  In the case of any disagreement between the Directors, the Divisional VP and the State Director that the team is registered in will make the final determination.

Teams classified at the “B” level or higher will be classified by the State Director of the State that has the majority of the players on their roster.


1) A New York team that has three or more players from Connecticut will need to provide a classification roster to NY and ID for their classification.

2) A Connecticut team that has three or more players from New York will need to provide a classification roster to CT and ID for their classification.

Players from states other than New York State will be dealt with on an individual basis.


USSSA does classify individual teams, in leagues, for tournament play. The class definitions establish a point, or guideline, which is used by the classification committees to evaluate teams. The main criteria are:

  • Past history of the team.
  • Tournament results.
  • League results.
  • Amount of participation last year.
  • Results of State, N.I.T., National, and World tournaments.
  • Offensive power.
  • Defensive skills.
  • Determination of the ability of the players that have been picked up for the coming year.
  • Home run capabilities.
    Appeals must be submitted, in writing, to the appropriate Program Classification Committee Chairperson (see below). Absolutely no information will be taken over the phone. Any coach has the right to appeal a decision made by a Program Committee or Program Director, in writing, to the Executive State Director of Utah.The information needed that must be furnished in the letter is:
  1. Date, name and location of USSSA or GSL tournaments played.
  2. Classification participated in (example: ‘D’ only, ‘B’-‘C’ equalizer, etc.).
  3. Tournament record.
  4. Names of teams played against and scores of the games.
  5. Roster additions or deletions. (Where player previously played).
  6. Results from any tournament prior to the March 1st and after Labor Day will not be considered for appeal. (Men’s Program only).

The program classification committees conduct periodic reviews of the team’s classification and have the authority to reclassify and require any team to play up at the next highest level at any point during the season. If a team has reason to believe that it has been misclassified, it may send an email (using the appeal process spelled out above) to the Utah State Director. Teams may play up, in a higher classified tournament, but may not play down in a lower classified tournament.


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